The upcoming meeting will have the following presenters:
Marco Martinez, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) representative. Here is your chance to hear from the people directly involved with our border issues.
Brad Casady, CalFire Battalion Chief. Fire season is fast approaching, so get your fire-related questions answered now!
Lieutenant Bruce Smith, our Riverside County Sheriff’s Department representative. As always, he will provide us with the recent report on crime happenings in our wine country area and address your security questions.
Invite your next door GlenOak Hills neighbors to attend! Together we’ll be able to better prepare and protect ourselves and our neighbors.
Please email/call me regarding what topics/issues you want discussed at our next meeting.
The objective of a neighborhood watch program is to reduce crime in our area through citizen involvement and police cooperation. To make this happen GlenOak Hills Community Association residents can work together to create a safe and friendly environment where crime is less likely to happen.
Dean Walker, Chairperson of Neighborhood Watch.
760-449-3929, [email protected]