Deputy Sosa divided the area into three tracts…Tract 1 (Everything North of Via de Oro-Both sides) Tract 2 (Everything South of Via de Oro and North of Avenida Bravura) Tract 3 (Everything South of Avenida Bravura- Both sides). I volunteered to be the Chairperson. Area Captains were assigned …. Tract 1 is Phyllis Walker, Tract 2 is Susan Clay and Mike Wakshull, Tract 3 is Don Schenk and Tom Lipscomb. This program is not only to report crime (such as the “hit and run” car accident that occurred at the South Gate last month), suspicious activity, burglaries, etc., it is to “look out for each other”. Report non emergency incidents to 800-950-2444 or 951-776-1099 Press #5. For emergencies call 911 if it is a crime in progress. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING: We have set up another meeting for January 21, 2014 at the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. We really need your email addresses so that the Tract Captains will be able to communicate with you. I am in the process of obtaining an encroachment permit from the county and ordering the signs that we discussed. The Association will purchase signage for the entrances and other areas that are vulnerable from outside areas. Deputy Sosa will be there to assist us too. Come and participate.
Donna Jean McCullough, Chairperson