June 4, 2016 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Promenade Mall
Near Edwards Cinemas Plaza
40820 Winchester Road, Temecula 92591
Temecula, CA (June 4, 2016) —Water efficiency can be simple, worthwhile and even fun. Water districts throughout Western Riverside County will host the 14th annual free Community Water Conservation Festival on Saturday, June 4, at the Promenade Mall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Partners in Water Conservation, a coalition of water agencies in western Riverside County, will provide information about retrofitting outdoor irrigation equipment, Water saving garden friendly plants and water-wise landscaping ideas. There will also be master gardeners on location to answer questions.
Vendors will be available to provide demonstrations and information about water-efficient technologies, such as weather-based irrigation controllers, moisture sensors, high-efficiency toilets and drip irrigation systems.
Each participating water district will have information regarding their respective rebate programs available.
“We are entering our fifth year of drought. It’s important that our agencies work together to ensure our customers have every opportunity to increase their water use efficiency,” said Stacy Rodriguez, Eastern Municipal Water District’s conservation program manager and committee co-chair for the event. “This fun, interactive event will provide entertainment for children and will provide families the opportunity to continue being water efficient at their homes and businesses.”
Participants may take part in raffles throughout the event. Raffle prizes include a water-efficient toilet, rain barrels, drip kits and smart irrigation controllers.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to the festival; face-painting, water-wise activities and crafts will be available. Eastern Municipal Water District’s Dewie the Dragon and Rancho California Water District’s Drippy will be present to entertain and educate the children.
For more information about the event, visit www.iewaterfestival.com.