A Neighborhood Watch Meeting is scheduled for February 6th 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse. We will be discussing the Neighborhood Watch Communication Tree. In other words how we communicate with our Tract Captains, Sheriff’s Department etc. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors and have fun too. Also for discussion will be incidents in our area and how the plan works.
Glenoak Hills Community is divided into three Tract Areas.….
Tract 1 ( Tract Captain Phyllis Walker (Everything North of Via De Oro)
Tract 2 (Tract Captains Susan Clay and Mike Wakshull, (South of Via De Oro and North of Avenida Bravura)
Tract 3 (Tract Captains Tom Lipscomb and Don Schenk (South of Avenida Bravura)
We already have quite a few interested members and Deputy Sosa has put together a roster of members in their respective Tract Areas to better assist our Tract Captains.
This program is not only to report crime, suspicious activity, burglaries etc. it is to “Look out for each other”. Report non emergency incidents to 1 800 950.2444 or 951.776.1099. Press #5. For emergencies call 911 if it is a crime in progress.
So Mark your calendars now and come to the meeting to learn more about the program. Hope to see you there. Come with questions, ideas and any concerns. Remember that the main thing is to report anything of suspicious nature.
Best regards,
Donna McCullough